I met Marjorie while I was on my cancer journey.  I had been to other bodywork/energy practitioners, but something drew me to Marjorie when I found her on the internet.  I had briefly been exposed to Body Talk but never had a session - it felt right for me, so I scheduled my first of several appointments.

There is much I can say about my experiences, but I will sum it up by saying that Marjorie is one of the most insightful, gifted practitioners with whom I have ever had the good fortune to work with.  She receives direct information and uses that knowledge to help facilitate shifts in the Mindbody.  I am certain that my healing from the dreaded illness began on Marjorie’s treatment table, and I state that in the book I authored.

I have known Marjorie to help many, many people with her gifts and talents and will remain my go-to person when insight and healing is required.  She’s a true blessing and I wish her continued success.

— Carol

